6 Free Tips on How to Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy

6 Free Tips on How to Keep Your Dog Healthy & Happy

Wanting to keep your pup as healthy as can be? Check out our tips and advice below!


Every dog is uniquely and wonderfully made. And they all have their own individual health needs. Some dog breeds are going to be prone to certain physical ailments more than others. And just like humans, sometimes dogs end up with diseases, injuries, and allergies based on the luck of the draw, or based on environmental factors.

And as any dog ages, they may have common health issues like hip and joint problems, stomach issues, or vision problems. But are there things we can do to help our pups live healthier now and in the future? Of course! And we’re here to help you find easy ways to change your dog’s life for the better.


  1. Healthy Diet for Dogs

There are many dog feeding charts that you can find online. And you can always ask your veterinarian about the correct amount you should feed your dog. Just remember to look for the correct amount based on their weight, and if they need to lose, gain, or maintain weight.

In addition to the amount of dog food you’re giving to your sweet pup, giving them a higher quality dog food will help increase their overall health, potentially lessen or eliminate issues with hips & joints and allergies, and will help your dog to maintain a healthier weight.


Obesity in Dogs

The VCA Hospitals tell us that “in North America, obesity is the most common preventable disease in dogs. Approximately 25-30% of the general canine population is obese, with 40-45% of dogs aged 5-11 years old weighing in higher than normal.”

You may be thinking… What’s the big deal if my dog is a little overweight? The problem is that obesity in dogs can cause an assortment of health issues. And while 30% overweight is considered to be obese, The American Kennel Club tells us that “being just 10% overweight decreases a dog’s lifespan by one-third and predisposes him to heart, kidney and liver disease as well as diabetes, arthritis, and cancer.”

But don’t worry, there is hope! If you suspect that your dog may be overweight, ask your veterinarian what your individual dog’s ideal weight is. Once you know that, you can work backwards from there.