6 Free Tips on How to Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy

6 Free Tips on How to Keep Your Dog Healthy & Happy

Wanting to keep your pup as healthy as can be? Check out our tips and advice below!


Every dog is uniquely and wonderfully made. And they all have their own individual health needs. Some dog breeds are going to be prone to certain physical ailments more than others. And just like humans, sometimes dogs end up with diseases, injuries, and allergies based on the luck of the draw, or based on environmental factors.

And as any dog ages, they may have common health issues like hip and joint problems, stomach issues, or vision problems. But are there things we can do to help our pups live healthier now and in the future? Of course! And we’re here to help you find easy ways to change your dog’s life for the better.


  1. Healthy Diet for Dogs

There are many dog feeding charts that you can find online. And you can always ask your veterinarian about the correct amount you should feed your dog. Just remember to look for the correct amount based on their weight, and if they need to lose, gain, or maintain weight.

In addition to the amount of dog food you’re giving to your sweet pup, giving them a higher quality dog food will help increase their overall health, potentially lessen or eliminate issues with hips & joints and allergies, and will help your dog to maintain a healthier weight.


Obesity in Dogs

The VCA Hospitals tell us that “in North America, obesity is the most common preventable disease in dogs. Approximately 25-30% of the general canine population is obese, with 40-45% of dogs aged 5-11 years old weighing in higher than normal.”

You may be thinking… What’s the big deal if my dog is a little overweight? The problem is that obesity in dogs can cause an assortment of health issues. And while 30% overweight is considered to be obese, The American Kennel Club tells us that “being just 10% overweight decreases a dog’s lifespan by one-third and predisposes him to heart, kidney and liver disease as well as diabetes, arthritis, and cancer.”

But don’t worry, there is hope! If you suspect that your dog may be overweight, ask your veterinarian what your individual dog’s ideal weight is. Once you know that, you can work backwards from there.


  1. Exercise Your Dog

And of course, one of the best things you can do to help your dog live a happy and healthy life is to make sure they get plenty of exercise. This will help with weight loss or maintenance, increase their muscle strength and flexibility, and it will help their mental and emotional health as well.

Dogs were born to be outdoors, and to accomplish jobs like herding and hunting. They crave physical and mental stimulation. And helping them achieve that will make them happier dogs. Try activities like:

  • Going to a dog park
  • Taking your dog on a walk or jog
  • Go hiking in the woods
  • Play fetch with a ball or frisbee
  • Take your dog swimming
  • Let your dog run next to you while you bike
  • Fence-in your backyard to let them run free
  • Play tug-of-war
  • Play hide-and-seek with food and treats around your yard or home
  • Get your dog to run up and down the stairs inside
  1. Use Preventative Medications & Vaccinations

Dogs are susceptible to various diseases, just like we are. That’s why it’s important to keep your pup up-to-date on their vaccinations with the vet. And make sure that you regularly give your pup flea & tick preventative medication at home, as well as a heartworm preventative medication. You can find these online at places like www.petco.com  or you can ask your veterinarian.

  1. Give Your Dog Health Supplements

Another way to help keep your dog healthy is to give them daily health supplements. Dog supplements are just like the daily vitamins that we take ourselves. There are some that are general daily supplements for dogs, and there are some that help with specific health issues like hip & joint health, skin & coat health, and digestive health.



  1. Dog Grooming & Bathing

Whether you take your dog to a groomer, or you groom them at home, this is something that should be done on a regular basis. Keeping your dog clean is key to keeping them healthy.

Bathing & grooming your dog

Your dog’s breed and coat type play into the frequency that you should bathe and groom them. But a good rule of thumb is once every 1-3 months. Of course, if your pup gets really muddy one day, you can most certainly bathe them again. We just don’t want to bathe them too frequently because dog’s need to keep their natural oils.

Brushing your dog

Dogs with short, shedding hair don’t need to be brushed too frequently because their fur doesn’t get knotted or matted. But it’s still important to brush their coat at least once a month to help spread their natural oils around their skin and coat. And to get rid of any dirt that may be sitting in their fur.

And dogs with longer, coarse, or curly hair should be brushed at least once per week. Some breeds will even need a brushing as frequently as once per day to help prevent knotting and matting.

Trimming your dog’s nails

You can ask a groomer or your veterinarian to clip your dog’s nails if you’re not comfortable with doing it yourself. But if you decide to do this at home, you can use dog nail clippers or a dog nail grinder. And it’s best to use clippers that have a nail guard, so that you don’t accidentally cut your pup’s nails too short.

You can also sign up for Vital Care at Petco for 20% off every groom!

Disclosure: Vital care is not an insurance product.

  1. Doggy Dental Care

Oral care in dogs is very important too. Virginia Veterinary Centers tell us that “proper dental care will help keep your pet from developing a wide variety of dental health issues, such as periodontal disease, which is caused by the build-up of bacteria in the mouth.”

The best way to help your dog’s dental and oral health is by taking them into the vet for regular teeth cleanings. But if these are too expensive for you to do frequently, you can also brush your dog’s teeth at home.

You should always use dog-specific toothpaste, and you can even purchase a dog toothbrush. If you’re able to brush your dog’s teeth daily, that’s great! But if not, try to aim for once a week. The more frequently you can brush them, the better your dog’s chances are for long-term dental and oral health.


Pet Insurance Can Help

You may be wondering about the cost of things like teeth cleanings, groomings, nutrition then checkout Vital Care at Petco.

And what if your dog winds up with some kind of disease or injury? How will you afford the payments? Well, pet insurance can help! 

That’s right—pet insurance is a real thing. And signing up for pet insurance today can help you prepare for the unseen costs of your dog’s health issues later on. Click here to find out more about what pet insurance is, and if it’s the best option for you.

For more helpful articles about dog health and pet parenting, check out the blog at PetInsuranceQuotes.com



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